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Category: Docker

Scheduled Kubernetes Worker Node Maintenance with Kured

If you manage Linux nodes, you know how vital performing regular maintenance is. Installing software patches that modify Linux kernel headers requires a reboot. Normally, as in the past, we would cordon and drain the node and then manually reboot, wait for it to come back online, verify its health, and add it back to the cluster. That’s a lot of manual work! How can we automate this? Weaveworks created a great tool for simplifying these steps: Kured (the Kubernetes Reboot Daemon).

Running Docker in WSL v1

I have somewhat of a niche issue, where I have no network connectivity while connecting to my work VPN inside of WSL v2. I have found others complaining about this issue on Github. Though no one seems to know how to fix it and I have not had the time to properly investigate. Because of this, I’m required to continue using WSL v1. Though, with WSL v1, Docker does not work.