Category: Software Development
- 2024-03-27 Detecting MIME Types in Go
- 2023-12-19 Validating URLs with Go
- 2023-08-15 Using try/catch/finally Blocks in PowerShell
- 2023-01-24 Golang: When Identical Strings are Not Equal
- 2022-12-28 Handling Graceful Shutdown in a .NET App Hosted in Kubernetes
- 2022-12-23 Building a Golang App with Github Actions
- 2022-11-03 Chaining YAML Pipelines in Azure Devops
- 2022-09-12 Update Azure Devops SPN Secret
- 2022-09-06 Use “replace” in go.mod to Point to a Local Module
- 2022-08-04 Powershell for Devops - Querying REST APIs with Powershell