This script will iterate through all computers in Active Directory and return the configured time server for each computer.

     Get time source for all computers in domain
     Author: Ryan Nemeth -
     This function will iterate through all computers/servers in a domain and return the time source
     for each.

Write-Host -foregroundcolor Red -BackgroundColor black "This script must be run on a domain controller and requires that the AD Powershell module be installed"

$module = Get-Module -ListAvailable | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

if($module -notcontains "ActiveDirectory") {
    Write-Host -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor black "***Active Directory Powershell Module Not Found***"
else {
    Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "Found Active Directory Powershell Module. Importing..."

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$computers = get-adcomputer -filter * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

foreach($computer in $computers) {
  $tm_source = w32tm /query /computer:$computer /source
  write-host "The time source for" $computer "is" $tm_source