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Tag: Devops

Deploy Azure VMs Using Azure Devops CI/CD Pipeline

This article assumes that you have already created a pipeline in Azure Devops and have it linked to an Azure Devops repo. You will need to create a variable named $vmpassword and assign it the value stored in your key vault. To create a release pipeline that will automatically create a VM (using the password stored in key vault for the local administrator account), do the following: Create a new release pipeline 3.

Azure Devops – Self Hosted Agent Service Won’t Start – Incorrect Function

I setup a self hosted agent for Azure Devops this morning on Server 2012 R2 (legacy Visual Studio dependencies…) and found that I was unable to start the service. The error I received was “Error 1 Incorrect Function” when attempting to start the service in services.msc. I was attempting to run the agent from within my user profile downloads folder. I originally was not aware the service would be running from this directory.