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Tag: WindowsServer

Deploy a New ADDS Forest on Server 2019 Core

Prerequisites: Change server name and IP address Configure time settings and NTP In this post we will be reviewing the basic installation of the Active Directory Domain Services role and setup of a new forest on Windows Server Core 2019. To get started, login to your server with administrator privileges. You will first need to type in “powershell” in the cmd prompt to start powershell. Once you do that, type in the following command to install the Active Directory Domain Services role:

WSUS: Update Files Not Downloading (Content File Download Failed)

This article will discuss an issue regarding WSUS failing to download updates from Microsoft Update servers. You may notice that the home page of your WSUS console states that it has downloaded 0MB of updates: You may also see this event (or similar) in the Event Log. This problem is caused by not specifying a valid path when assigning the WSUS content drive when first installing the role. The first time you load the WSUS console after installing the role, you will be prompted to specify the path to store Windows Update files.

WSUS: An error occurred trying to connect the WSUS server

Ran into this error message when configuring a new WSUS server: Restarted the WSUS, WID, and IIS services to no avail. I even rebooted the server. The WSUS console would work for a short period of time, and then would randomly stop working. I found that the WSUS app pool in IIS was being disabled anytime new clients connected to the server. I believe this was because the app pool was running out of usable memory.

WDS Service: The Service did not respond in a timely fashion

This was a new one for me. Usually WDS is rock solid and it just works. Anyway, I was getting ready to deploy some servers in my lab and found that I couldn’t get WDS to start on my deployment server. I got this error message when trying to start the service: I then tried to start the service from the Services console and got this error message: “This was just working yesterday”, I said to myself.

Script to Move All Disabled AD Objects to a Specified OU

The title says it all. This script will move all disabled AD objects to a specified OU. This script accepts parameters that will allow you to specify whether you want to move Users or Computers and the destination OU. It also accepts a “test mode” parameter that will run the script and output the results, without actually modifying Active Directory. This is revision 1 of the script. There are still several improvements I would like to make, including better error handling and recovery.

The User Profile Service service failed the logon

One of my clients had a really strange issue the other day. He has a domain admin account in his domain and was not able to login to a server that I recently built. The server was an Exchange 2013 box, and was used in Coexistence mode to migrate his company from an Exchange 2007 box. He was getting this error message when attempting to login: This is a classic error message that I’m sure most technicians have seen before.

Finding All Mailboxes with a Forwarding Address in Exchange 2003

Believe it or not, the MSP I work for still has a client who is using Exchange 2003 as their primary email service. Despite several attempts at convincing them of the power of Office 365, they refuse to migrate. Last week the CFO contacted me and requested we provide them with a report of all users who have their email forwarded to another mailbox. “Ok, no problem.” I said helpfully as the client informed me of their request (at the time I didn’t even think about them having Exchange 2003…).

Script for Querying All AD Computers Time Source

This script will iterate through all computers in Active Directory and return the configured time server for each computer. <# .SYNOPSIS Get time source for all computers in domain .EXAMPLE Get-TimeSource .NOTES Author: Ryan Nemeth - Site: .LINK .DESCRIPTION This function will iterate through all computers/servers in a domain and return the time source for each. #> Write-Host -foregroundcolor Red -BackgroundColor black "This script must be run on a domain controller and requires that the AD Powershell module be installed" $module = Get-Module -ListAvailable | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name if($module -notcontains "ActiveDirectory") { Write-Host -foregroundcolor red -backgroundcolor black "***Active Directory Powershell Module Not Found***" } else { Write-Host -foregroundcolor yellow "Found Active Directory Powershell Module.

Error When Reinstalling DirSync

Today is just not my day! After a failed attempt at installing/configuring DirSync, I removed it and tried to install and configure it again. This time did not prove any more successful. I was getting this error midway through the install process: I was able to figure this out after a little while and wanted to sure what I learned. If you are seeing this error message after removing DirSync and trying to reinstall, here’s what you need to do:

Failed to Mount Exchange 2010 Database

Recently, one of my users’ came to me and said he was missing two months worth of email. This was just after migrating to Exchange Online. We were using Exchange 2010 with System Center DPM for backups. I restored the database that the users’ mailbox was on from a backup then copied it over to the Exchange server from the network share I restored it to. All was going well, until I tried to mount the darn thing.